相信皇家穆冉高爾夫豪華酒店及Spa (Royal Mougins Golf, Hotel & Spa de Luxe)旅行最怕的就是選錯飯店或旅館~住起來不舒服的話
住了這間皇家穆冉高爾夫豪華酒店及Spa (Royal Mougins Golf, Hotel & Spa de Luxe)真棒^0^住起來超舒服的,
皇家穆冉高爾夫豪華酒店及Spa提供優質貼心的服務和方便實用的設施,贏得了客人的普遍好評。 入住飯店期間,客人可享受所有房型皆附免費WiFi, 24小時前台服務, 配有無障礙協助設備, 可寄放行李, 停車場。
在這裡,您能真切的感受最極致的舒適住宿體驗,部分客房提供空調, 暖氣, Mini Bar, 陽台/露台, iPod專用播放底座,給住客更完整的服務。 飯店設有眾多娛樂設施,例如:健身房, 桑拿三溫暖, 鄰近高爾夫球場(3公里內), 室外游泳池, Spa,都是放鬆身心的最佳選擇。 皇家穆冉高爾夫豪華酒店及Spa是來莫金斯探索城市魅力,放鬆身心的理想住處。
- 【提醒您】加床規定依房型而異,請查看各房型的可入住人數限制了解詳細規定。
省錢旅遊Please note that pets are not allowed to go near to the swimming pool and the restaurant areas.
Spa opening hours:
everyday from 10:00 until 20:00.
Please note that the 1st access is free of charge.
Please note that the spa will be closed on Sundays until 30 April 2017.
Children under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult in the spa. Special conditions will apply.
Beauty treatments are available for children of 6 years and older. They must be accompanied by an adult.
Please note that access to the spa must be booked in advance.
Please note that the restaurant will be closed on the following dates :
-until Monday 26 December 2016
-from Wednesday 04 January to Tuesday 28 February 2017
-from Sunday 29 October to Monday 25 December 2017
The restaurant will be open every evening from:
-Tuesday 27 December 2016 to Tuesday 03 January 2017
-Wednesday 01 March to Saturday 28 October 2017
-Tuesday 26 December 2017 to Saturday 06 January 2018
皇家穆冉高爾夫豪華酒店及Spa (Royal Mougins Golf, Hotel & Spa de Luxe) 討論,推薦,開箱,CP值,熱賣,團購,便宜,優惠,介紹,排行,精選,特價,周年慶,體驗,限時
皇家穆冉高爾夫豪華酒店及Spa (Royal Mougins Golf, Hotel & Spa de Luxe) 推薦, 皇家穆冉高爾夫豪華酒店及Spa (Royal Mougins Golf, Hotel & Spa de Luxe) 討論, 皇家穆冉高爾夫豪華酒店及Spa (Royal Mougins Golf, Hotel & Spa de Luxe) 部落客, 皇家穆冉高爾夫豪華酒店及Spa (Royal Mougins Golf, Hotel & Spa de Luxe) 比較評比, 皇家穆冉高爾夫豪華酒店及Spa (Royal Mougins Golf, Hotel & Spa de Luxe) 使用評比, 皇家穆冉高爾夫豪華酒店及Spa (Royal Mougins Golf, Hotel & Spa de Luxe) 開箱文, 皇家穆冉高爾夫豪華酒店及Spa (Royal Mougins Golf, Hotel & Spa de Luxe) 推薦, 皇家穆冉高爾夫豪華酒店及Spa (Royal Mougins Golf, Hotel & Spa de Luxe) 評測文, 皇家穆冉高爾夫豪華酒店及Spa (Royal Mougins Golf, Hotel & Spa de Luxe) CP值, 皇家穆冉高爾夫豪華酒店及Spa (Royal Mougins Golf, Hotel & Spa de Luxe) 評鑑大隊, 皇家穆冉高爾夫豪華酒店及Spa (Royal Mougins Golf, Hotel & Spa de Luxe) 部落客推薦, 皇家穆冉高爾夫豪華酒店及Spa (Royal Mougins Golf, Hotel & Spa de Luxe) 好用嗎?, 皇家穆冉高爾夫豪華酒店及Spa (Royal Mougins Golf, Hotel & Spa de Luxe) 去哪買?